Harkaway Hills College Harkaway Hills College

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Partnering with Parents. Educating for Character.

Harkaway Hills College is an Independent Girls School teaching the Catholic faith.

The College is a project of the Parents for Education (PARED) Victoria Foundation, and is founded on the principles that parents are the primary educators for their children. We pride ourselves in our quality academic curriculum, religious education, personalised learning through a mentor system, and an emphasis on virtue education.

The School is currently co-education from Prep-Year 2, and Girls only from Grade 3 to Grade 9. The College will be adding a grade level every year until Grade 12.

Now accepting enrolments for Foundation to Grade 10 in 2025. Please see the Enrolments page for more details.


An Independent College for Girls

Academics at Harkaway Hills College

Partnering with Parents


"We are so pleased that our involvement in the life of the school has had a strong positive influence on our life together as a family."

Suneth & Yamuni Perera

"As parents, we are very encouraged by the ongoing support of staff, teachers and other parents who all share the same vision in raising well rounded children."

James & Jill Cheong

"We are just so grateful that the school reinforces all that we teach at home. It’s the community, the values, the academics. It’s an amazing privilege to be a part of."

Daniel & Liz Carrick

Parents at HHC

About Harkaway Hills College

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Latest News

Monday, 30 October 2023

Christmas Maker's Market - All Welcome

Harkaway Hills College is excited to invite you to our inaugural Christmas Maker’s Market on Saturday 25th November

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Monday, 18 September 2023

Students Shine in Production of The Wizard of Oz

A huge thank you to everyone who participated in our first school production, The Wizard of Oz.

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Friday, 11 August 2023

Soccer Stars: Our Girls at the Top of their Game

Falcons FC have scored 79 goals in just 14 matches and sit proudly on top of the VCFA Under-14 Girls competition.

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