Harkaway Hills College is an Independent Girls School teaching the Catholic faith.
The College is a project of the Parents for Education (PARED) Victoria Foundation and is founded on the principles that parents are the primary educators for their children. We pride ourselves in our quality academic curriculum, religious education, personalised learning through a mentor system, and an emphasis on virtue education.
The School is currently co-education from Prep-Year 2, and Girls only from Grade 3 to Grade 10. The College will be adding a grade level every year until Grade 12.
Our Brother School Lysterfield Lake College
Two Schools: One Family

Harkaway Hills College
Pre-Prep to Year 10
Co-education from Pre-Prep to Year 2. Girls only from Year 3 to 10.

Lysterfield Lake College
Year 3 to 8
Pre-Prep to Year 2 boys attend classes on Harkaway HIlls Campus. Boys only from Year 3 to 8.